Innovation Index
Identify how Strategy, Leadership, Management Structure, People & Product are helping
your organisation achieve its purpose & financial vision
Organisation Innovation iNDEX
Innovation - Key to thriving
Each organisation needs to innovate to survive & thrive. An organisation cannot expect to maintain a competitive edge if innovation is not part of the overall business strategy.
Innovation, as a concept, refers to the process that an organisation undertakes to conceptualise brand new products, processes, and ideas, or to approach existing products, processes, and ideas in new ways.
What gets measured, gets done - using this premise, EPS has come up with Organisation Innovation Index. The purpose of this survey is to understand innovation in Strategy, Leadership & Culture, People and Product/Services and how it helps your organisation achieve its purpose and financial results.
iNDEX framework

Innovation - a survival imperative
Criticality of innovation ....
Challenges of innovation
Source: McKinsey Global Innovation Survey 2021
Report snapshot

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How to measure innovation capability for the organisation