Methodical, continuous improvement
PDCA Overview
Expanded as Plan-do-check-act
Developed by Walter Edward Deming
Also called "Deming cycle", "Shewhart Cycle", "Deming Wheel", PDSA (Plan, Do, Study, Act)

Example of PDCA
A large number of customer complaints are filed
Manager/ team reviews - highest are for incorrect billing
further analysis reveals an issue with new rates charged from this month, have not been explained/highlighted on the bill
Team plans to reach out to a few customers, confirm the issue and explain the new rates
The team reaches out to the customers, explains the new rates, notes if the complaint can be closed
Customers have been found to be satisfied
The team sends out mailers to customers explaining the new rates
Highlights the changes in the bill formats for future
Learns that new rates when deployed should be highlighted in the bill