The term in play these days is the "new normal" - the environment will be VUCA - Volatile, Uncertain, Complex & Ambiguous for foreseeable future.
What was relevant yesterday, today and tomorrow is innovation.
Innovation is coming up with a new way of doing things, implementing it and then scaling it.
Innovation has never been easy
(1) it starts with a problem - a problem that is valuable - means if solved, enough customers are willing to pay for it
(2) you then gain an insight - find a new pattern, a new connection, a contradiction
(3) Then comes the solution - a unique way to solve it
and (4) then scaling the solution to serve a large population.
Neither of the 4 steps are easy - many a time, one or other is missed.
This is where our unique framework - i3 can help. i3 - inventive ideation to innovate
is a systematic, fluid way to find the right problems and then solve them rightly –
helping businesses achieve their strategy.

i3's mission is to make innovation less hard.

Check out more about i3 - here