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Team Charter

What is a Team Charter

When starting any project, it is necessary that information like -

  • what are we here to do ( problem statement),

  • where do we want to go ( goal statement),

  • why are we doing this ( business case),

  • whats our scope 

  • by when, how ( milestones and method),

  • who all are involved and their roles (ARMI) 

Is captured and agreed upon by the team. 

The team charter is a template that helps us capture this information 

Signing Contract
When to use a Team Charter
  • At the start of any project

  • Should be displayed in the project area 

  • Should be reviewed and revised throughout the project life-cycle ( with approvals as required)

  • A charter

Clarifies what is expected of the team

Keeps the team focused

Keeps the team aligned with organizational priorities

Transfers the project from the champion/sponsor to the improvement team

How to create a Team Charter
  • Charter may be created by the project manager with help of the sponsor 

  • You may use the attached template

  • Problem Statement: refer here 

  • Business case: should answer the question - why is the project worth doing NOW over other projects. Beyond the statement in the charter, there would be a requirement of doing financial / prioritization analysis of the project to substantiate/ feed to the business case

  • Goal Statement: is your improvement objective

Should start with a verb

At the start of the improvement project - you state a broad improvement target / eventually as the project progresses, you should write a measurable target with date

Should not presume cause of the problem ( for DMAIC project) - if you know the cause, just do it - why write a charter for a known solution unless its an implementation project

Should be SMART - Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-bound

  • Scope: is your focus area

Specific process area you want to work on - start and end point

What's out of scope 

  • Milestone: preliminary, high-level project plan with dates

At the minimum start and end date

Include phases and dates for each to end - depending on the project type e.g. DMAIC or as the method you are following

  • ARMI: many projects are cross-functional and resources need to be secured, for that we need to know time commitment and what roles will they play. ARMI is a tool that can help. 


Most organizations would have their own formats - which are customized according to their needs

Business cases specially for big expense projects - would be financial instruments, best sourced from your finance team 

Example and template for a team charter
Charter pic.png.jpg
ARMI example.jpg

For ARMI - you may also do roles per phase of the project

you can see here that the steps/ phases are different than standard methods, 

& the implementation date and plan will be decided later on

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