A structured process improvement methodology
The basic premise of DMAIC
six sigma and DMAIC - is about establishing a relationship
between the output of the process (Y) and the factors (Xs) that may influence Y
the basic equation to keep in mind is :
Y = F( X1, X2, X3........)
Meaning Y is a function (F) of X
When you control the Xs , you can control the Y
Car mileage = F ( speed, tyre pressure, gear, service ......)
When you control Xs , you can control Y

How does DMAIC work

The DMAIC steps
Define: Define the problem
Determine and agree, what is the problem, since when is the problem, what is the impact, who will work on it & set a target for improvement
Measure: Measure the Y & Xs
Confirm the best way and what all to measure.
Confirm, can you trust the data
Collect data on Y & Xs
Tools: CTQ tree, FMEA, Process Maps, data collection plan, pareto chart ,run chart
Analyze:Find the cause/s of the problem
Baseline the current performance
From many Xs reach to vital few
Quantify the impact of vital few Xs
Prepare a prioritized list
Tools: Capability measure, Process/graphical analysis & hypothesis tests, cause & effect diagram
Improve: Find the roots cause/s of the vital X and find solutions to implement
Identify root causes of prioritized Xs
Use ideation techniques & tools
Select solutions basis control and impact
Implement with tracking and risk management
Tools: Process observation, 5 whys, brainstorming, Poke Yoke, Control impact matrix, implementation plan
Control: Monitor & Validate improvement
Baseline the current performance
From many Xs reach to vital few
Quantify the impact of vital few Xs
Prepare a prioritized list
Tools: Capability measure, hypothesis tests, control charts, FMEA, run charts